“Guilt is feeling bad about what you’ve done. Shame is feeling bad about who you are.”
Shame is a simple word, only five letters, one of those words everyone spells right on a spelling test without needing to study. In my life, however, shame has not been simple.
Shame is an ice-cold hand, clutching at my heart, grabbing my face and forcing me to look at who I used to be and what I have done.
It uses its cold, sharp fingers to point to each individual mistake, hissing questions and accusations into my ears that are all too eager to hear them.
“Remember when you messed up?”
“Look at the time you made that mistake.”
“You are not what everyone thinks you are.”
“You can’t fix this.”
“You ruined everything.”
“You’re not who you were before your mistakes.”
“Do you really believe that you’re forgiven?”
“You are your mistakes.”
Though harsh, shame’s words are enticing.
“Remember when you messed up?” Of course I remember. I always will. But that’s all it is now — something I remember.
It is a memory, it is the past, and it holds no power over my future actions or me.
“Look at the time you made that mistake.” Look at the time I confessed that mistake. Checkmate, shame.
“You can’t fix this.” Not on my own, I can’t. However… “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13, look it up.
“You ruined everything.” In the hands of God, nothing is ruined. No circumstance, no mistake, no person is wasted or ruined.
“You’re not who you were before your mistakes.” No, I am not, and I never will be. However, through Confession, I am made new and pure.
My mistakes and my sins led me to seek the one thing that could heal me and make me a better person than I was before.
“Do you really believe you’re forgiven?” You bet I do.
Jesus suffered and died on a cross so that I could be made new. In John 20:22-23, Jesus gave His disciples the authority to forgive sins, and Confession is this authority in action.
Some days, I may not feel like I am forgiven, but Jesus is love and love is infinitely more than a feeling.
Let Him in, let Him forgive you, and let Him love you.
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