Tuesday, July 15, 2014


{GENESIS 6 V 14}
Noa was told to use pitch to seal the Ark to prevent water from entering into it.Moses mother also use it for his little Ark in Egypt.
pitch is a solid petroleum commonly called Tar.
Tar petroleum oil was never put to commercial use because, it always melt on the surface during hot sunny day until the eighteenth century.
Every community or country that has this mineral resource today is considered blessed.
YES,GOD blessed the earth with abundant riches before the creation of man.
Like petroleum,many blessings of GOD packaged in scripture are wasted by ignorant believers,ignorance causes sorrow and poverty.Kings who failed in history were those who neglected the study of the law of GOD{DEUTRONOMY 17 V 18} As a believer,you ought to be lively in the lord,But spiritual laziness and coldness will rob you of the fullness of joy in GOD'S presence.Today,start to dig deeper into the rich resources hidden in the bible.Let it be your daily companion.{JOB 5 V 8 to 11}