Thursday, November 5, 2015


Some Christian leaders spend so much time trying to avoid offending people that I wonder if they ever check whether God himself is offended.

The Bible is not the world’s most balanced or uncontroversial book. It rarely balances things. It takes strong amoral positions on many issues. Therefore, I don’t understand the prevaricating nature of Christians and the Clergy and why we seek to “balance” things to avoid offence. So we edit scriptures, theology and truth to achieve “balance”.
It’s as if we don’t believe the truth alone can set people free. So we use the word “but” a lot e.g. “Drinking is not a sin but”… We assume the truth on its own is not enough and Christianity needs “balance”.
I don’t believe truth gives people license to sin. It sets people free. So speak truth. No buts.

Culled from:

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