Friday, May 16, 2014

I've seen many friends get hitched. One couple were together for nine years before tying the knot, another couple met, dated and married within three months.
So what's the decent protocol for dating and subsequent "engagement" time? Does it matter if you are Christian or not? Do we put human time frames on matters of the heart?
Response posted here :
well if i knew he was "the one" i want to spend the rest of my life with and if i have prayed about it and it is my belief that God is telling me or at least guiding me in the direction of getting married to that particular person. then when the time is right i guess woould be the answer. i can see myself getting married to the guy i am with now. it has been 6 months that we have been dating but i couldnt marry him tomorrow. i think maybe another 6 months and it could be the right time.
i don't think you should put a time limit on love. if you are ready to share your lives, you shouldn't have to wait a certain amount of time that society thinks is right.
however, i do think its very important that you marry a christian. god said we have to be equally yoked in our relationships. that means; similar intellectul level, similar goals, similar values and most importantly similar religious beliefs = marry a CHRISTIAN

I think marriage is something that when you're ready for it you KNOW you are ready for it. I know people who have dated for 5 months and get married and those people who have dated for 9 years and get married and both of those couples have made it just fine with married life. You just know when you're ready and God helps you so look to Him. I also think you should be a Christian before you get married and so should the person you're marrying.

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