Wednesday, May 21, 2014

How to Keep Relationship Strong

For relationship to be strong, we need to stay on the right track.
We should try as much as possible to avoid the ups and downs which most people experience in their relationship.
I recently posted an article on relationship "20 Things to Start Doing in Your Relationships" I will be writing on HOW TO KEEP THE RELATIONSHIP STRONG.
<1. Truthfulness: For relationship to last, we need to build trust. We should trust and be truthful to our partner.
2. Generous: Generosity in relationship helps build long lasting relationship.
Both partners should be generous and cheerful to each other and to those around them.
3. Free-fight: Is it possible for couples in a relationship not to fight? To me, it is very possible if we stay on the right track.
4. Give Chances for Discussion: This is very important in a relationship. Partners need to give each other time, chance and freedom for discussion. It will help know the mind and feelings of each partner.
5. Go-together: Both partners should create time for fun. It is very good to have fun, it is part of life.
So, have fun together and share the good moment with each other.
6. Avoid Using rude words: For relationship to be strong, avoidance of rude words should be avoided.
You should be using good words and helpful words on each others.

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