Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Don't Make Friends With It!

We all worry at one time or another, but truly, what has worry ever really done for us? Does it make us happy? No.
Does it help make us more productive? No. Does it help us to think more clearly? I don't think so.
Worry DOES make us feel sick. It is often the culprit behind that pounding headache or upset stomach.
It can make you sweat and cause your hands to shake. And it can cause you to doubt yourself and your own abilities.

Now, a little worry, or concern, can be helpful.
A question such as "Is there anymore I can do to make this better," or "Let's see, did I touch on all the details." is fine; in fact, it can be very helpful.
But the kind of worry that announces itself with a statement like "Who am I kidding? I don't have what it takes to get this done right!
What if something goes wrong? Everytime I do something I mess it up!" Well, THAT kind of worry; excessive, almost compulsive worry, can be and often is a dream killer.
It prevents us from getting started because hey, what the heck, we can't really do it anyway.
It grabs a hold of you with its icy cold fingers and doesn't let go until it saturates your whole being with its echo.
And when it has you, well then, you'll always be afraid.
I remember reading many years ago an article that said that over 90% of all we worry about never happens anyway.
That's an awfully high percentage, don't you think?
So the next time worry comes knocking at your door open it and tell it to take his 10% and take a hike. You don't need it.

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