Wednesday, May 28, 2014

20 ways to avoid sexual temptation

How can teens stay true to Jesus in the middle of a sex-crazed world?
God commands and demands that there shouldn't even be a hint of sexual immorality among us as His saved people (Ephesians 5:3). Of course, we all find this incredibly easy to do, right? WRONG!
This feels completely impossible most (maybe all) of the time. If there is one area of life where it feels like Satan is winning the battle, it’s in the area of sex.
And if there is one area where our bodies are screaming out to us to disobey God, it’s in the area of sex.
So I want to give you my top 20 tips to help you avoid sexual immorality:
1.Find out what pleases the Lord.
2.Find out what God’s will for your life is.
3. You need to be careful what you fill your minds with.
Imagination is often the hot-bed where sin is hatched. Martin Luther once said about sexual desires, “You can’t stop birds from flying over your head, but you can stop them from making nests in your hair.”
4.Pray (It is a spiritual battle too).
5.Don't put yourself in situations where you will be easily tempted.
6.Remember God is watching.
7.Talk about sex (accountability). You can't fight this alone. You need God's help and you need help from God's people too.
8.You are not alone. It can be helpful to know you are not the only person who has ever been tempted this way.
9.You CAN resist.
10.Know that God provides a way out
11.Count yourself dead to sin and alive to God
12.Remember the cross. Jesus died for our sins, including our sexual sins.
13.Remember Jesus is coming back. We will all have to give an account for our lives, even our sex life.
14.Memorise Scripture: use the word often,its a companion
15.Weariness and sadness often leads to sin. Learn to know yourself. Know when you are weak and susceptible to temptation.
16.Struggling is a good sign. Keep fighting and don't give in
17.Be careful what you wear. Modesty is good for you and good for others too.
18.Forgiveness is available. If you sin sexually you can still be forgiven, such is the power of the cross of Christ. So repent, turn back to God and live for Him..
19.Read some good books:You might find it a helpful guide for answering some of your questions about sex.
20.think about God

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